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Columbia Youth Lacrosse

Columbia Youth Lacrosse Policies

USA Lacrosse Membership Policy

Columbia Youth Lacrosse is covered by a general liability insurance policy provided through USA Lacrosse.

In order to ensure coverage under this policy, Columbia Youth Lacrosse will adhere to the following practices:

  1. Columbia Youth Lacrosse will require all of our players and coaches to be current USA Lacrosse members, and that their membership is effective for the entire season.
  2. Columbia Youth Lacrosse will use the USA Lacrosse League Management system (LMS) as our registration platform to ensure all registrants in our programs have valid USA Lacrosse memberships.

Weather Policy: Columbia Youth Lacrosse

Lacrosse is an all-season all-weather sport. Games will only be called on the below mentioned incidence:

  1. Lightning - Lightning will be tracked by a representative of Columbia Youth Lacrosse League with a Lightning Tracker App. This app should be set up with notifications set at a 6-mile radius. If lightning strikes within that 6-mile radius, play will immediately cease, and safe cover will be recommended. Play may not resume for another 30 minutes after the last down strike within that 6-mile radius. Anytime there is risk of inclement weather, an officer, BOD or League Management committee member of Columbia Youth Lacrosse should be monitoring the weather and be on the alert for lighting strikes. If there is continued storm activity in a stacking nature visible on radar and the lightning tracking app, it is the discretion of the representative monitoring the weather to make the call to cancel further games and practices.
  2. Wet Fields - The city of Columbia has the right to suspend or cancel play if they deem the fields to be too wet. This is both for preservation of the fields and a safety hazard for the athletes. This is usually called by the city in the mornings before game play and gives plenty of time for communication to parents.
  3. Coach/Referee Discretion - If for any reason there is a sudden and severe weather event that suddenly appears, the coaches and referees have the right to suspend or cancel games/practices and advise players and bystanders to seek immediate shelter. Such events may include but are not limited to: hail, strong wind, heavy downpour rain, fog and snow.
  4. Delays and cancellations will be communicated via league management app in use for current season (e.g. Band, TeamSnap, etc).

The app listed above is a free version called ”My Lightning Tracker" app that can be configured to issue alerts based on a set radius.

Social Media Policy

On occasion, CYL posts pictures of players in either a posed group/team setting or from a candid action shot of a practice or game to the CYL website or the CYL Social Media Accounts (Facebook Page(s/Instagram). As a policy, CYL does not ''tag'' or caption these photos with players' or parents' names. If your player appears in a photo and you would prefer that they did not, the photo may be removed or the player's face will be obscured, at the organization's discretion. All removals/obfuscations will be done on a picture-by-picture basis; as a volunteer-run organization, CYL does not have the time, resources, or manpower to preemptively review all pictures against a list of excluded players. For photo removals/obfuscations please send a link/URL to the photo in question to the current Communications Director with a description of your player in the photo so we know who needs to be removed/obscured.

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About Us

Columbia Youth Lacrosse is a non-profit organization based in Columbia, MO dedicated to the development and growth of lacrosse in mid-Missouri. The program offers a variety of clinics, practices, and playing opportunities for girls and boys from 3rd through 8th grade.